District of Columbia DMV Driving Test

Pass the District of Columbia Permit Test the first time with our FREE District of Columbia Practice Tests. Study real driving permit test questions from the DMV handbook!.

1. The minimum drinking age in this state is ____ years.
2. Which of these is not safe driving practice?
3. When should you not insist on taking your legal right-of-way?
4. What effect does drinking alcohol and taking a prescription drug or over the counter medicine have
5. All drivers under the age of 21 have a specific restriction prohibiting them from:
6. You must stop when you see a:
7. A 'no stopping' sign means that, unless directed to do so by a policeman, you may stop only
8. Highway hypnosis' is a driver condition that can result from:
9. When in travel lanes on the roadway:
10. What is the age that you can register to become an organ donor on your driver license application in the district of columbia?
11. What does registering with the selective service mean?
12. Which of the following statements is true about BAC (blood alcohol content)
13. The knowledge test consists of what?
14. It is very foggy. you should slow down and:
15. Orange construction signs warn you:
16. You are driving behind a motorcycle and want to pass. you must:
17. Motorists are not required to yield to pedestrians when they walk against the traffic light.
18. While driving on a roadway with single broken white line markings:
19. What does this sign mean?
20. You come to an intersection which is blocked by other traffic. you should

District of Columbia DMV Driving Test

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About Permit Practice Tests

To operate a motorcycle in the District of Columbia (DC), you must have a motorcycle (M) endorsement on your driver's license. Licensing services are handled through the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). An M endorsement on your license allows you to operate motorcycles, motorbikes, mopeds, scooters, and three-wheeled motorcycles on public roads. You must be at least 18 to apply for an M endorsement.

To receive an M endorsement, you must hold a valid DC license, complete an application, pay the fees, and pass the motorcycle knowledge test. Additionally, you must either pass the motorcycle skills test or submit a certificate of completion from a motorcycle demonstration course. If you choose to take the course, you must visit the Brentwood Road Test facility to obtain your driver's license with an M endorsement. The tests are scheduled through a DMV service center. You can schedule the motorcycle skills test by phone or online.

The knowledge test contains 25 questions about motorcycle safety and driving practices that are covered in the DC Motorcycle Operator Manual. You must answer 20 of the questions correctly to pass. If you fail, you can retake the test after three days. The motorcycle skills test covers basic vehicle control and crash-avoidance skills. You should know your motorcycle well and how to operate it safely before taking this test.